This better be gone by October…

I am experiencing both. Through my glute and all the way to my big toe. 

I bounced for 5 hours riding in the back of a shuttle van across central Namibia. (I know. That’s like complaining about Disneyland. Spoiled brat that I am.)  I’m pretty sure I compressed and aggravated my Sciatic Nerve. It has been off and on painful since then. Mostly on. 

Now, it’s a morning thing. It seems to need to be loosened up everyday. Usually, by around noon, I’m ok. I walked 10Ks last week with no problem until the next morning! It actually felt better after the walk. 

Yesterday, another 10 with less pain and recovery time. That’s good, right?

Next week, because it’s so hard to see a good doctor quickly, I’m seeing a back and spine pain specialist. I’m surrendering. I will do what he says. I hope. 😊 

The reason I’m “hoping” is the FACT that I need the Appalachian Trail. I haven’t been functioning at 100% since I stopped my Section Hike in April. There’s a difference in who I am now. I just talked to another hiker this morning about this “fog” I’m in. Turns out, it’s real.  

I had to stop because I left for SA and we were entering tick season here. Active tick season. They can get you all year round, unless they are frozen, and I’m not really sure if that kills them! On a sunny winter day, the South side of almost any mountain warms up. Sometimes enough for those little buggers to reach out and attach themselves to a host. That would be anything warm blooded. Not just deer. As a matter of fact, it’s a mouse that really spreads the ticks around.  The White Footed Mouse. You see, he doesn’t groom himself like other mouses do. 

This is why snakes are good. 

How did I get on ticks again! 

Back to the point. I need the Trail! When I just drive near it, my mood elevates. I really can feel the change in me, even physically! I actually can’t believe it! I heard these stories about depression after leaving the AT. It’s true. 

I need to get back up there. 

I need to get dirty and smiley again, soon. 

The other problem now, is that only adding to my AT distance will work. Im pretty sure that just hiking will not lift the fog. 

Here’s a thought:

Maybe I should do another Trail in the Summer next year. Something out West or just anywhere where Lyme is not prevalent. 

This might help me. Shifting my compulsion to a second source! I’ll Section Hike TWO TRAILS simultaneously! 


Yours Truly,

🔨 🔨 

4 thoughts on “This better be gone by October…

  1. Doug, I know from experience that sciatica is no fun! The thing that finally helped me was a fiberglass back brace custom molded to my back which felt wonderful and eventually got rid of that nagging leg pain! Sure hope you get relief soon! xoxo Cuz

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I looked up from your post, flipped to the channel where I usually watch news to see Temple score on Notre Dame. (Insert Twilight Zone theme song)

    Sent from my iPad – no extra charge for the typos.



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